Furnaces Articles
If your furnace seems to be producing heat inconsistently around your Avon home to you, you’re not alone. Many homes have varied conditions from room to room, causing spotty heating or cooling. Continue Reading
On a frosty winter’s day here in Indiana, your gas furnace is hard at work, keeping your Indianapolis home warm and cozy. Feeling grateful? You’re not alone—it’s one of the most popular forms of heating, as American as apple pie. Continue Reading
If your furnace is producing a strange smell, you should always treat it with caution. While the cause for the odor may be benign, it could just as easily be harmful to inhale. When in doubt, always open windows to ensure ventilation, and evacuate your Avon home. Continue Reading
So, you’re thinking about upgrading your Indiana heating and cooling system. Have you ever heard of dual fuel? Continue Reading
To find the perfect fit, schedule a preliminary visit with one of our Godby Heating Plumbing Electrical specialists Continue Reading
Just about any electrical appliance has the potential to overheat. Furnaces are no exception. Continue Reading
Furnaces are not designed to last forever, so it’s helpful to know when you should be replacing it. But how exactly will you know when it’s time? Continue Reading
We take great pride in offering practical solutions that add comfort and safety to your Avon home or business. Continue Reading
Your fuel-burning furnace has a number of mechanisms allowing it to run safely and effectively. These features prevent fires and protect your indoor air quality (IAQ). Continue Reading
A furnace is a major investment for any Carmel homeowner. Although it’s not something that will need to be done frequently, most people will face the decision of needing to purchase a new heating system sometime during home ownership. Continue Reading
In the words of the great Mr. T, “I pity the fool” who believes the too good to be true offers many HVAC companies are touting lately. Look, we know you want to save money and get a deal. We know that a new HVAC system is a big investment. But you need to make sure you are careful about these “deals.” If it seems too good to be true, it usually is. Continue Reading
While an air conditioner’s efficiency is measured by its SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating, an electric or gas- or oil-fired furnace’s efficiency is measured by its AFUE, or average fuel utilization efficiency. This standard measurement is given in percentages, letting you know how much of your fuel is actually used to heat your Indiana home and how much fuel is wasted. Continue Reading
When the temperature gets low, your energy bill gets high. That’s because you spend more time indoors during the winter. And we don’t blame you—it can get pretty cold here in Carmel. Continue Reading
Prepping your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system for winter in Indiana not only enhances your safety and your furnace’s efficiency, it can help keep your repair budget in line during cold weather. Tackling this important chore is easier than raking leaves or cleaning gutters when you call the heating and cooling experts at Godby Heating Plumbing Electrical. Continue Reading